Who Are The People Behind Cybercrime?

June 3, 2024


Ro'ee Margalit

Who Are The People Behind Cybercrime?

When you hear the word cybercrime, you might think of massive data breaches at big corporations, caused by underground groups with names like Hive, LockBit, and REvil.

And it’s true that there are powerful networks that present a serious threat to every aspect of how societies, businesses, and governments function. But they’re not the only ones, and probably not the ones you should worry about most.

Small business owners, did you know that for every organized cybercrime conglomerate taking down large enterprises, there are hundreds if not thousands of lone rogue actors targeting companies like yours?

That’s where the real threat lies. With the solo hackers, chipping away alone in their home offices at all hours of the day and night, probing for vulnerabilities and looking for ways to exploit your weaknesses.

In fact, even though the big ransom attacks and data breaches are the ones we hear about in the news, small businesses account for 43% of cybercrime each year. 

According to the Small Business Administration, SMBs and SMEs are “especially attractive to cybercriminals because they typically lack the security infrastructure of larger businesses to adequately protect their digital systems.”

So in other words, if a large corporation with millions to spend on cybersecurity can get hacked, so can you.

Don’t just take it from me; take it from the SBA: If you’re not building up the right defenses to protect yourself, it’s only a matter of time before the wrong person finds a way in.

The SBA (and just about every other government agency I can think of) identifies humans as the weakest link, and recommends training your staff on how to spot and avoid scams such as phishing emails, sketchy downloads, suspicious links, faked identities, and other social engineering traps. 

Of course, booming AI technology is now making it even easier for criminals around the globe to bait their hooks with more realistic and convincing lures than ever before, but proper training and critical thinking are still the first lines of defense against increasingly dangerous threats.

Proper training on passwords, setting up multi-factor identification, and encrypting your vendor and customer communications are also essential steps, not to mention technical fortifications like antivirus software and firewalls. Plus, you’ll want to back up your data and valuable assets, preferably both in the cloud and on physical drives you can keep safe, just in case.

It sounds overwhelming, I know, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are smart, ethical people whose job is to help you protect yourself. Just ask me and I’ll make the connection.

Because if you think investing in proper cybersecurity feels expensive, consider the fact that a cyberattack can cost you tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of dollars, and that, as I said before, it’s really just a matter of time before the criminals come knocking.